You are in [[| Geoinformatics Creative Commons Resources]] :: [[|Geospatial Ontology]] :: ISAO 2016 ===== Geospatial Ontology: ISAO 2016 ===== This short course is part of the [[| 2016 International School for Applied Ontology]]. === 1. Describing socially-agreed entities: Geographical Objects === Lecture: [[|Geographical Objects]] Suggested Reading: * Barry Smith and David Mark, [[| Ontology and geographic kinds]]. Proceedings, International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling, Vancouver, Canada, 1998. * Barry Smith and David Mark, [[| Geographical categories: an ontological investigation]]. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 15(7)591-612, 2001. * Barry Smith and David Mark, [[|"Do mountains exist? Towards an ontology of landforms"]]. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 30(3):411–427, 2003. * Antony Galton, [[|"On the ontological status of geographical boundaries"]]. In Matt Duckham, Michael F. Goodchild and Michael F. Worboys (eds.), Foundations of Geographic Information Science, Taylor and Francis, 2003, pages 151-171. * Edward Robinson, [[|"Reexamining fiat, bona fide and force dynamic boundaries for geopolitical entities and their placement in DOLCE."]]. Applied Ontology 7.1 (2012): 93-108. * Fred Fonseca, Max Egenhofer, Peggy Agouris, Gilberto Camara, [[|Ontologies for Integrated GIS]]. Transactions on GIS, 6(3):231-257, 2002. [[|Questions to Ponder]] === 2. Describing the natural world: Geographical fields === Lecture: [[|Fields]] Suggested Reading: * Helen Couclelis, [[|"People manipulate objects (but cultivate fields): Beyond the raster-vector debate in GIS"]]. In: Frank, A., Campari, I., Formentini, U. (eds.) Theories and Methods of Spatio-Temporal Reasoning in Geographic Space. LNCS, vol. 639. Springer, 1992. * Gilberto Camara, Max Egenhofer, Karine Ferreira, Pedro Andrade, Gilberto Queiroz, Alber Sanchez, Jim Jones, Lubia Vinhas, [[|"Fields as a Generic Type for Big Spatial Data"]]. GIScience 2014 Conference. * Karen Kemp, [[|"Fields as a framework for integrating GIS and environmental process models"]]. Transactions in GIS 1(3):219–234, 1996. [[| Questions to Ponder]] === 3. Describing changes in our world: Dynamic spatial ontologies === Lecture: [[|Dynamic Spatial Ontologies]] Suggested reading: * Andrew Frank, [[| "Ontology for Spatio-temporal Databases"]]. In Spatio-Temporal Databases: The Chorochronos Approach (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2520), edited by Manoulis Koubarakis and Timos Sellis, 9-78. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2003. * Mike Worboys, [[|Event-oriented approaches to geographic phenomena]]. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 19(1):1-28, 2005. * Antony Galton, [[|"Fields and Objects in Space, Time, and Space-time"]]. Spatial Cognition and Computation, 4(1):39-68, 2004. * Antony Galton & Riichiro Mizoguchi,[[|"The Water Falls but the Waterfall does not Fall: New perspectives on Objects, Processes and Events"]]. Applied Ontology, 4(2):71—107, 2009. * Grenon, P. & Smith, B.,[[|SNAP and SPAN: Towards dynamic spatial ontology]]. Spatial Cognition and Computation, 4(1), 69--104, 2004. * Karine Ferreira, Gilberto Camara, Miguel Monteiro, [[|"An algebra for spatiotemporal data: from observations to events"]]. Transactions in GIS,18(2):253–269,2014. [[|Questions to Ponder]] === 4. Combining the natural and social perspectives: Land cover and land use ontologies === Lecture: [[|Land Use and Land Cover Ontology]] SUggested reading: * Robin Chazdon et al., [[| When is a forest a forest? Forest concepts and definitions in the era of forest and landscape restoration]]. Ambio, 1--13, 2016. * Alex Comber, Wadsworth, R., & Fisher, P., [[| Using semantics to clarify the conceptual confusion between land cover and land use: the example of ‘forest’]]. Journal of Land Use Science, 3(2-3), 185--198, 2008. * Ohla Ahlqvist, [[|In search of classification that supports the dynamics of science: the FAO Land Cover Classification System and proposed modifications]]. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 35(1), 169--186, 2008. * Martin Herold, Curtis E Woodcock, Antonio Di Gregorio, Philippe Mayaux, Alan S Belward, John Latham, Christiane C Schmullius, [[| A joint initiative for harmonization and validation of land cover datasets]]. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 44(7):1719-1727, 2006. * Martin Herold, Robert Hubald, Antonio Di Gregorio,[[|Translating and evaluating land cover legends using the UN Land Cover Classification System (LCCS)]]. GOGC-GOLD Report, 43, 2008. * Louisa Jansen, Geoff Groom and Giancarlo Carrai, [[| Land-cover harmonisation and semantic similarity: some methodological issues]]. Journal of Land Use Science, 3(2–3):131–160, 2008. * Fred Fonseca, Gilberto Câmara, Miguel Monteiro, [[|A framework for measuring the interoperability of geo-ontologies]]. Spatial Cognition and Computation, 6(4), 309--331, 2006. [[|Questions to Ponder]] === 5. In Search of a General Theory for Geospatial Ontologies === Lecture: [[|Axiomatic Theory]] Suggested reading: * Antony Galton,[[|Outline of a Formal Theory of Processes and Events, and Why GIScience Needs One]]. In COSIT 2015 (pp. 3--22), 2015. * Mike Goodchild, May Yuan, & Tom Cova, [[|"Towards a general theory of geographic representation in GIS"]]. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 21(3), pp.239-260, 2007. * Werner Kuhn, [[|"Core concepts of spatial information for transdisciplinary research"]]. International Journal of Geographic Information Science vol.26(12), 2012.