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You are in Geoinformatics - Creative Commons :: Introduction to Earth System Modelling :: Software for the Course

Introduction to Earth System Modelling: Software

Software Description

The models described in this course will be developed using TerraME. TerraME is an extension of the Lua language. Please read the following introduction about TerraME, to get a sense of the language and what we are going to teach:

  • A primer on TerraME, 2016.

The next step is to learn the basics of Lua, which is a simple and elegant programming language. We provide an introduction about Lua for TerraME users:

  • Lua for TerraME: A Short Introduction.


The TerraME software is available at the TerraME github release site.

TerraME installation in Windows

Please install TerraME in “C:\TerraME” in Windows.

TerraME installation in MAC OS X

To install TerraME on a MAC, please follow the instructions below:

  1. Install homebrew, a package manager for MAC.
  2. install qt5 using homebrew (%brew install qt5)
  3. Download terrame-1.4-mac.tgz from TerraME website
  4. Copy terrame-14.mac.tgz to /usr/local directory (as “sudo”)
  5. In /usr/local directory, run the command “sudo tar xzvf terrame-1.4-mac.tgz”
  6. Include the following lines in your “.profile”
    export TERRAME=/usr/local/terrame
    export TME_PATH=$TERRAME/bin 
    export PATH=$PATH:$TME_PATH
    export LUA_PATH="./?.lua;$TME_PATH/?.lua"
    export LUA_CPATH="$TME_PATH/?.so"

Zero Brane Studio: IDE for TerraME

We suggest that you use ZeroBraneStudio as your programming environment for developing TerraME programs. In Windows, please install the program to C:\ZeroBraneStudio. In MAC and Linux, please use the default installation path.

After you download ZeroBraneStudio (ZBS), please do the following steps:

  1. Configuration file: tells ZBS where to find the TerraME interpreter. Copy the user.lua configuration file to the “cfg” folder where you have installed ZBS. In Windows, it is usually “C:\ZeroBraneStudio\cfg”. In the MAC, the folder is “/Applications/”. In Ubuntu, it is “/opt/zbstudio/cfg”.
  2. Interpreter description file: tells ZBS how to use TerraME. Copy the terrame.lua interpreter description file to the “interpreters” folder where you have installed ZBS. In Windows, this folder is “C:\ZeroBraneStudio\interpreters”. In the MAC, it is “/Applications/”. In Ubuntu, it is /opt/zbstudio/interpreters.
  3. Keyword description: tells ZBS to highlight both Lua and TerraME keywords. Copy the lua.lua keyword description file to the “spec” folder where you have installed ZeroBraneStudio. In Windows, this folder is “C:\ZeroBraneStudio\spec”.In the MAC, it is “/Applications/”. In Ubuntu, it is /opt/zbstudio/spec.
  4. Optional: delete the other interpreters of ZeroBrane (Corona, Guideros, etc.) and leave only Lua, Lua5.2 and TerraME.

Additional Packages for TerraME

For this course, we are going to use additional packages:

  • System Dynamics - a package for modelling system dynamic problems.
  • SciTerraME - a package for scientific and statistical functions in TerraME.

To install these packages, please save the “zip” files to a folder in your computer. Run TerraME, click on the button “Install New Package” and select the files one by one.

software-cst-317-2015.1466451841.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/06/20 16:44 by gilberto