-- Daisy growth rate function is a function of temperature. Maximum growth -- occurs at 22.5 degrees Celsius, and daisies grow from a minimum of 5 C to -- a maximum of 40 C. local function daisyGrowthRate(tempK) -- daisyGrowthRate as function of temperature. local gr = 0.0 local temp = tempK - 273 if temp > 5.0 and temp < 40.0 then gr = 1 - 0.003265 * (22.5 - temp)^2 end return gr end -- Calculates the average planet temperature using Boltzmann's law -- "The amount of thermal radiation emitted increases rapidly and the principal frequency of the radiation becomes higher with increasing temperatures" -- TempK^4 = average solar flux * luminosity (1 - albedo) -- Watson and Lovelock used 3668 watts per square meter as the solar flux, -- which is much higher than the average solar flux incident on the Earth today, -- because the Earth has a relatively low planetary albedo and -- a significant greenhouse effect. local SIGMA = 5.67E-08 -- Joules / per sec * square meters * TempK^^4 -- Stephen Boltzmann constant local SOLAR_FLUX = 3668 -- Watts/square meter local function calcTemp(lum, albedo) local tempK = (lum * SOLAR_FLUX * (1 - albedo) / (4*SIGMA)) ^0.25 return tempK end -- Calculates the temperatures near the daisies -- -- The local temperatures Tw and Tb are defined by making a simplifying assumption about -- the heat transfer: a linearization of a diffusion term. -- A parameter q is defined as the heat transfer coefficient, -- thereby defining the local temperatures as -- TempK^4 (daisy) = q (planet_albedo - daisy_albedo) + tempK^4 (planet) local HEAT_TRANSFER_COEF = 2.06E09 -- Kelvins^4 -- used by Watson and Lovelock local function tempNearDaisy(planet_temp, planet_albedo, daisy_albedo) local temp_daisy = (HEAT_TRANSFER_COEF * (planet_albedo - daisy_albedo) + planet_temp ^ 4 ) ^ 0.25 return temp_daisy end -- actual growthRate is constained by the empty area of the planet local function growthReduction(baseRate, emptyArea) local newRate = baseRate * emptyArea return newRate end --- An implementation of the daisy world model. -- Wood, A. J., G. J. Ackland, J. G. Dyke, H. T. P. Williams, and T. M. Lenton (2008), -- Daisyworld: A review, Rev. Geophys., 46. -- Daisyworld consists of two different types of daisy, which may be considered distinct species -- (because there is no possibility of mixed replication of the types) or, alternatively, as -- distinct phenotypes of the same species. The two types are identified as either black or -- white according to their reflectivity or albedo. -- @arg data.sunLuminosity Sun luminosity (this is the main variable of the model). -- Values beteween 0.70 and 1.6 support life in Daisyworld. -- @arg data.planetArea The total area of the planet. The sum of the arguments -- whiteArea, blackArea, and emptyArea should be equals to this value. The default value is 1. -- @arg data.whiteArea The initial area of white daisies. The default value is 0.4. -- @arg data.blackArea The initial area of black daisies. The default value is 0.273. -- @arg data.emptyArea The initial empty area. The default value is 0.327. -- @arg data.whiteAlbedo The albedo of white area. The default value is 0.75. -- @arg data.blackAlbedo The albedo of black area. The default value is 0.25. -- @arg data.soilAlbedo The albedo of empty area. The default value is 0.5. -- @arg data.decayRate The death rate for all daisies. -- @arg data.finalTime The final time of the simulation. The default value is 100. -- @image daisyworld.bmp Daisyworld = Model{ -- sun luminosity (this is the main variable of the model) -- values beteween 0.70 and 1.6 support life in Daisyworld sunLuminosity = 0.7, -- variables -- default values are approximate equilibrium values -- when sun luminosity is equal to 1.0 -- hint: change the starting conditions when changing the sun luminosity -- increase the white area for a strong sun -- increase the black area for a faint sun planetArea = 1.0, whiteArea = 0.40, blackArea = 0.273, emptyArea = 0.327, -- params (fixed assumptions) whiteAlbedo = 0.75, blackAlbedo = 0.25, soilAlbedo = 0.50, decayRate = 0.3, -- simulation time finalTime = 100, planetAlbedo = function(model) return model.whiteArea * model.whiteAlbedo + model.blackArea * model.blackAlbedo + model.emptyArea * model.soilAlbedo end, daisyArea = function(model) return model.blackArea + model.whiteArea end, init = function(model) model.chart1 = Chart{ target = model, select = {"blackArea", "whiteArea", "emptyArea"} } model.chart2 = Chart{ target = model, select = "planetAlbedo", } model.aveTemp = calcTemp(model.sunLuminosity, model:planetAlbedo()) model.chart3 = Chart{ target = model, select = "aveTemp", } model.chart4 = Chart{ target = model, select = "daisyArea" } model.timer = Timer{ Event{action = function() -- function that calculates the planet Temperature model.aveTemp = calcTemp(model.sunLuminosity, model:planetAlbedo()) -- temperature near he white daisies model.tempNearWhite = tempNearDaisy(model.aveTemp, model:planetAlbedo(), model.whiteAlbedo) -- indicated growth rate for the white daisies model.indWhiteGrowthRate = daisyGrowthRate(model.tempNearWhite) -- actual growthRate is constained by the empty area of the planet model.whiteGrowthRate = growthReduction(model.indWhiteGrowthRate, model.emptyArea) -- white area model.whiteArea = model.whiteArea + model.whiteArea * (model.whiteGrowthRate - model.decayRate) -- temperature near the black daisies model.tempNearBlack = tempNearDaisy(model.aveTemp, model:planetAlbedo(), model.blackAlbedo) -- indicated growth rate for the white daisies model.indBlackGrowthRate = daisyGrowthRate(model.tempNearBlack) -- actual growthRate is constained by the empty area of the planet model.blackGrowthRate = growthReduction(model.indBlackGrowthRate, model.emptyArea) -- black area model.blackArea = model.blackArea + model.blackArea * (model.blackGrowthRate - model.decayRate) model.emptyArea = model.planetArea - (model.blackArea + model.whiteArea) end}, Event{action = model.chart1}, Event{action = model.chart2}, Event{action = model.chart3}, Event{action = model.chart4} } end }